UraniumX integration/staging tree ================================== What is Uranium-X? -------------------- UraniumX is a P2P digital asset that enables instant transfers to anyone, anywhere in the world. UraniumX uses peer-to-peer technology based upon Bitcoin core protocols to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing coins are carried out collectively by the network. UraniumX is the brand name of the open source software which enables the use of this coin. The coin is designed as a rare collectors asset. Blockchain ---------- - **Type** Proof-of-Work (PoW) mining - **Max Supply**: 235,000 URX - **Current Block Reward**: 0.25 URX, halving every few years - **Block Time**: ~5 Minutes - **Emission length**: ~70 years (last coin mined year ~2087) - **First block** 20-APR-2018 Halving Table, URX Emissions ---------- nHeight --> Rewards ---------- 1 - 23499 --> 1.0 URX 23500 - 46999 --> 0.5 URX 47000 - 57649 --> 0.25 URX 57650--> replacement funds 2118.25 (CVE bug, see Whitepaper) 57651 - 257239 --> 0.25 URX 257240 - 467479 --> 0.125 URX 467480 - 677719 --> 0.06250 URX 677720 - 887959 --> 0.03125 URX ...etc... //Force block reward to zero when right shift is undefined. if (nHeight >= 7364760) //Subsidy is cut in half every 23500 URX in the first phase, and then every 210240 blocks Proof of Work ------------- - **PoW Algorithm**: blocks 0-105000 was Argon2ad. After block 106500: modified yespowerurx (cpu-friendly, gpu-unfriendly) - **Difficulty**: Uses Dark Gravity Wave and updates every block. License ------- UraniumX is released under the terms of the MIT and CC3.0 license. See for more information or see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. Websites ------- block explorer: https://scan.urx.zone main site: https://urx.zone Community/Help ------- https://discord.gg/xFxtY78 File: 10-SEP-2020-R01